Tuesday 12 March 2013

Personal Statement

A lot of structural changes have occurred in Barbados. Some of these changes have improved the look and feel of Barbados, but many seem to be out of place and more suited to a larger country. My hope is to have an influence on the "future look" of Barbados and other parts of the world while keeping true to the society, culture and country itself. Although I do place a high value on developing the infrastructure of my island, I would prefer if it did not interfere with the look and feel of what has made Barbados so special to so many for so long. When looking for a university in which to study architecture , the University of Manchester was a name I heard quite often. It is highly respected worldwide. It is a forward thinking university with focus on all aspects of architecture. This is the type of school I wish to be part of.
In truth I don’t have a particular favorite architect. However, I am really fascinated by the many buildings being designed by Zaha Hadid, Caudio Catalanon and many others in Dubai. I find the shear scale of some of these buildings quite mind boggling. I also love the fluidity in the designs of Frank Gehry.
While pursuing my associates degree in art at community college I was assigned to do a  project in Art History on a Roman Building. I chose the Colosseum and came to realization after some research that it was a building with one of the most interesting histories I have ever come across. All though in ruin I find the Colosseum one of the most amazing architectural structures in the world. Its great height and complex infrastructure was built in a time where there was nothing close to the utilities and technology we currently have today during construction and to visit this building for myself would be an amazing experience.

In my first year studying in Canada I visited the CN Tower. The height of the building alone was outstanding and having come from such a small island I found it even more spectacular. This building included many amazing features. My personal favourate was the glass elevator located straight down the center of the structure that allowed you to view the city landscape from different heights as you went up. Another interesting part of the design was the rotating restaurant at the top of the building which completed a full revolution every 72 minutes. Along with the glass floor it was very apparent that this building was deigned to allow people to spectate the whole of the surrounding city at every angle from a single building.

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